
Binge Watching Booktube

One of my favourite forms of procrastination is looking at the new videos that booktubers have uploaded. Booktubers - if you haven't yet heard of them - do the opposite of blogging. Instead of writing about books, they talk about books on camera, and upload them to Youtube. This is quite a new concept, but I think it's great because there are so many people that would watch a quick Youtube video and hopefully discover books. I, just like most other booklovers, adore watching these channels, and they are always entertaining - and you can't help but admire the bookcases in the background, and hunt down your favourites just from the colourful spines. There are a few channels that, as soon as a video is uploaded, I watch instantly, and others I go back to every now and then and take a look through what has been uploaded - a little like binge-watching a TV show, when you're too tired to do anything but. So, you might have guessed by now, but this post is all about my favourite booktubers.
Amber from The Mile Long Bookshelf
Why I love her channel: Amber is also one of my favourite bloggers, and she fills her channel with creative content that is extremely entertaining to watch. All Amber's videos are hilarious - she once climbed into a half-filled bath to prove a point - and include bloopers that you can't help but laugh at. There are various different videos, and some of my favourites have been the ones that all booklovers can relate to, such as Bookworm Problems - which includes situations I have found myself in too many times. 
Favourite video: I absolutely loved Amber's video about her online schooling, and it really interested me, as this is such a different concept compared to the daily school life I have. Getting to eat while in class? Getting to sit there in whatever form of clothing you like with no burning-hot uniforms in the summer? Getting to stay in the comfort of your own home? I had so many questions to ask Amber afterwards, and it definitely made me think a lot about my own schooling.
Lucy from the Bumbling Bibliophile
Why I love her channel: Lucy is another blogger that made the decision to start to upload videos, and I've known her since my first month of blogging, since we both started at around the same time. Her videos are extremely informative, and I end up adding more books to my ever-growing wish-list. There are so many hauls, and personally I love watching this type of video, and Lucy comes up with great ideas such as talking about the books that make her want to travel and her favourite fictional animals - so there's quite a mix there.
Favourite Video: 'The Fault in Our Stars: Trailer Reaction' was such a fun watch, and I had a very similar reaction myself! Everyone was so excited when it was released, and who can't help but adore uncontrollable emotions?
Kat from Katytastic
Why I love her channel: Kat is also so enthusiastic and excited about reading, and you really get to know her through her channel. She has such a collection of different vlogs, and talks about writing, as well as reading, and her tips have helped my own work hugely over the past year. Her TAGs are always funny to watch, and make me laugh, as well as her love of fictional-characters(and a certain Will Herondale). I also designed my own TBR Jar because of her vlogs, and she was the first booktuber I began to watch!
More importantly - who doesn't want her book collection?
Favourite Video: There are lists to choose from, but I love her videos about pet-peeves(which you must check out), and feelings - but my absolute favourite video was her '7 Ways to Improve Your Writing' video, as I've used all of these tips and hopefully, my writing has gotten better.
Lauren from Renkellym
Why I love her videos: Her videos combine books and every-day life, and they are always so intricately thought-out. They're short, but sweet and sentimental, and I absolutely adore seeing that a new video has been uploaded. They are loads of book reviews, and book discussions to co-exist with them too!
Favourite Videos: There are so many that I can recall re-watching from Lauren's channel. 'Welcome to Final's' was such a good video, along with 'They Gave Me a Doorknob' and my absolute favourite? A Man and His Fish - which was the first of Lauren's videos I saw and why I continue to watch her channel. 
Sanne from Books and Quills
Why I love her videos: They're just so different from the typical booktube channel. Her videos make me feel like I need to read more of the classics, and step out of my comfort-zone. The way Sanne talks about books really makes me build a connection with my own love of reading - and who doesn't want her accent?
Favourite Videos: I always notice similarities between music and books, so this vlog was something I recently really enjoyed watching. There are many songs that I see connect to 'The Hunger Games', and 'The Fault in Our Stars', just from some of the lyrics. When I watched Literary Playlists, I couldn't agree more about how gorgeous the Twilight soundtracks are.
John and Hank Green from Vlogbrothers
Why I love their videos: I'm cheating quite a bit to include these two in this post, but John and Hank Green are fantastic vloggers, and their community of Nerdfighters is something I love being a part of. Every time I click through the videos, I learn something, and find myself having a completely different view-point on a situation, and other times, I'm laughing over something Hank has says. The Question Tuesday videos that they do make you feel so involved - my question about the TFiOS movie-trailer leak got answered in a video - and they are so articulate.
Favourite videos: I'm going to go with their Explain videos - because politics is complicated, and the world itself is complicated and John and Hank always seem to make me understand society. Whether that's problems in North Korea or the USA, I can have a much better insight on the world from just watching their videos.
So, which booktubers do you binge-watch?
Tell me in the comments!


  1. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING THE WHOLE OF THIS MONTH! *high five* and yes I stalk their bookshelves! Lol.
    I LOVE Amber and Katytastic and BooksandQuills channels too..I also love The Little Book Owl..and *stalks 'subscribed list'* BookBFFs // PeruseProject // Rileymarie1196 and lots more but i can't remember too...

    1. THIS IS WHAT I WISH I HAD BEEN DOING THE WHOLE MONTH! I'm blaming my GCSEs for not being able to. When they're finished, there will be no stopping me, though!

      I love the Little Book Owl as well, and I definitely need to subscribe to all of these channels! Thanks for the recommendations!

      -Sophie :)

  2. THANK YOUUUU <3 I love Sanne, Kat, John and Hank (obviously) Haven't watched any of the others, maybe I should. :)

    1. No problem! You definitely should - I'm just going to endlessly tweet links to their videos to you now! ;)


  3. I'm a huge fan of Sable Caught, She Might Be Monica and Book Rat Misty. I love Booktube! I've put off writing many a review by binging on them!

    1. I'm definitely going to be subscribing to all of these channels! I think that's something every book-blogger does!

      -Sophie :)

  4. I LOVE watching booktubers! My favourites are Christine from polandbananasBOOKS and Sasha from abookutopia - I binge watch their videos all the freaking time! I actually don't know what I'd do without youtube! :3

    1. SAME HERE! As much as I love reading blogs, booktubers are also amazing!

      Without Youtube? I think there would be a little less procrastination!

      -Sophie :)

  5. Well, obviously I want to mention BookishBrits and my own channel. I also really love Kitkatscanread and TheBitterProductions and AThousandLivesofDais and so many more... I really love watching UKYA Booktubers just like I love reading UKYA book blogs :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read - and comment on - this blog post! I read and reply to every comment, so feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer!

See you soon!

Sophie Louise