
POEM: My World...

I look out of the open window,
What do I see,
A world where nothing exists,
Where no one is hear to save me from my cries,
Because my world is empty without you.

Tears form in my eyes,
As I remember our times,
Walking hand in hand,
And watching time pass by,
But it doesn't matter anymore,
Because world is empty without you.

Days pass,
But there is no sun seeping through the dark clouds,
They just hang over head, 
Shadowing me,
Because my world is dark without you.

They say troubles come and go,
But mine just stay the same,
As the storm clouds stay,
And threaten to rain on me forever,
And stop the sun shining through,
Because my world is dark without you,

My thoughts are full of nothingness,
There's an empty space,
Where I struggle to remember,
And no one stays forever,
I stumble upon the emptiness,
Because my world is full of struggles without you

I don't understand which way to go,
Who to turn to,
Who to trust,
Where nobody connects,
Or feels my pain,
Because my world is full of struggles without you

One day I get a glimpse,
Of someone in the distance,
His eyes light up,,
Then my world is full again
 My thoughts are free
Because my world is complete with you

Hope you liked my poem and if you could, understood it because I literally just typed that out!


  1. Thank you, I just felt I'd lighten up on the whole depressing part!

  2. WOW! You're so super talented! I love writing, but I'm not a fan of writing poetry! It doesn't really come naturally to me! Maybe I'll give it a go now!

    New follower! I love your blog! :)


    1. Oh wow, thank you! I used to write some poems when I was really young(around 6) and I've still got them! Thanks for following my blog, it means a lot to hear such great things!

      Sophie x


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See you soon!

Sophie Louise