
Christmas Poem

In just one week it will be Christmas Day! The lights are shining brightly on the tree, Christmas specials are being played over-and-over on television and we are all singing along to our favourite Christmas songs. With my Christmas shopping done, Christmas cards delivered, there is just the waiting left. As I am feeling so festive, here's a Christmas poem:
Christmas Tree is standing tall,
I'm admiring the lights,
Snow is falling all around me,
The flakes landing in my hair

I'm wrapped up warm in my winter's coat,
My breath visable in the air,
I can feel the Christmas Cheer around me,
It's everywhere

Festive tunes are playing loud,
Specials repeated over again,
I can't help singing along,
As the magic comes alive

Mine Pie's left out for Old Saint Nic,
He's on the way,
In his bright red jacket and,
sturdy black boots,
The Reindeers leading the way

All the children are excited,
In every corner of the world,
Remember that feeling,
When you know it's Christmas Day

I'm not forgetting the real reason,
While opening my calender door,
Hanging up my stocking,
Christmas lights.

They light up the night.

Merry Christmas!
I hope you like the new look!

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Sophie Louise