"You can't judge a book by it's cover"
That there is such a well known quote. It normally refers to people and how you should not judge someone because of how they look. But, can you actually judge a book by it's cover?
Here are some of my favourite covers:
As you can see I have a very different mix of favourite covers. This says that it's not the only thing that makes me want to read a book.
I always find myself being drawn in by a cover-it is the first part of a book you see and set's the path for the rest of it. I always find myself buying a book because of the cover. If it is interesting, you want to see what it is all about. One major point for me is if there is an interesting point like an object in a corner or hanging somewhere, it grabs your attention. I find a unique book cover is what every book needs. Although I feel it's not everything.
For example, I don't feel you can judge a book on it's cover but I feel it's the way you normally find a book. So, it really has to be good. Sometimes, the books with the simplest of covers are the one's that attract me. It's the books name that also stands out to me, for example 'The Fault in Our Stars'. I heard so many great reviews and seeing it in a bookstore, it has one of the simplest covers but it just stands out. I feel an over-the-top cover can be too much, be too bold and bright and sometime off-putting. In a bookstore I feel a eye-catching cover is what you need but you shouldn't judge a book because of it.
Judge a book because you have read it! When I go to a bookstore, I always find myself looking for books I've read reviews on or because the movie's are being realised. And others, I pick it up after seeing the cover and think "I need to read this" because the blurb sounds so fantastic it turns into another on your TBR pile. There are so may reasons for why I choose a book, the cover is one of them and of course you can judge a book by it's cover! A cover is sometimes all you need to know this is going to be a great read. Many of my favourite books I have wanted to read from the moment I saw the cover: Alice Bliss, Geek Girl & Small Blue Thing. And who can't help loving having a shelf full of beautiful book covers to look at? My shelf is bright, vibrant and colourful and I've never really got a rounded taste.
Reasons you can't judge a book by it's cover is because of books like TheFault In Our Stars, Beautiful Creatures and of course The Hunger Games. They have simple, plain but effective covers although they don't seem to stand-out. I personally love the covers but other people would find them boring. Maybe if I hadn't seen reviews and gone to look for that certain book I would feel the same. Though, who knows what's hidden inside a book? Take a look at the blurb, read the first chapter hidden at the back of the store or as a sample on Kindle, ask your friends. Never just focus on the cover. Or even reviews because some people have hated books that I have loved but that's another topic.
Next week-Google Reader Closing-What's next?
Yay for TFIOS and Delirium, I am always attracted to beautiful covers. Thanks for sharing and yeah what's the deal with the whole google reader and bloglovin thing?